Clinton City Schools has had a long-standing relationship with Junior Achievement of East Tennessee. These programs are designed to help prepare students in the areas of financial literacy and economics. With the support of many community members and the City of Clinton, Junior Achievement Activities continue to grow across our school system.

Each year, all grade levels K-6 participate in five Junior Achievement classroom sessions lead by community volunteers.

Kindergarten: introduced to the importance of saving through storybook characters.

1st grade: learn how family members' jobs and businesses contribute to the well-being of the family.

2nd grade: learn about practical information about businesses and occupations.

3rd and 4th grade: learn about money management and how entrepreneurs use resources to produce goods and services in a community.

6th grade: learn about preparing for the working world and explore careers.

Students in 5th grade enjoy a full day experience through JA Biz Town. This program combines in-class learning with their visit to a fully-interactive simulated town facility located in just up the road in the Hollingsworth Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership. Students apply for jobs, operate banks, manage restaurants, write checks, and even vote for mayor of JA Biz Town. Students are immersed in real world activities in an effort to connect what they learn in school to what they will do as adults.

JA Biz Town Summer Venture Camp  was added to our collaboration with Junior Achievement in 2022. Forty-two rising 4th-6th grade students of Clinton City Schools will participate in this free event the first week of June.  During this week, campers will take a look at what is important in a community. They will design a blueprint of their ideal city and determine the leadership that will be needed to be successful. Each camper will decide what position they are interested in and apply as well as interview for the job. On day two, campers will design a business plan including budgets and financial obligations. They will explore ways to get what they need so they can open their business and get ready for customers. As they open their businesses, they will learn how to manage their money, use checking and savings accounts, and play learning games throughout the day. On the fifth and final day, campers will wrap up the week by creating logos, product mock-ups (or service descriptions), and present their business ideas in a town meeting. Parents are invited to attend this final event.

Clinton City Schools partnership with Junior Achievement allows our students to participate in experiences that will help them be successful in society. This program helps us meet our goal of developing a well-rounded student. It is also a wonderful way for community members to become involved in the classroom! We appreciate all the support from the City of Clinton, Joe Hollingsworth, and community members!